Workplace Onsite/On-Cloud Clinic
Workplace onsite clinic is the best channel for company to manage health intervention, however, the traditional onsite clinic does not entirely work in this way. Amongst all these reasons that we know, the most crucial one is that a clinic cannot run itself, with an extreme low cost but still providing high quality service at the same time.
Our approach in changing the situation is like below:
•Better the current work flow, standardize quality control system and introduce on-cloud medical resource
•Connect internal medical staff to external doctor resource to improve efficiency
•Build healthy community for employees to network online and offline
•Integrate health insurance to cover the cost of onsite/on-cloud clinic service.
Onsite clinic’s work includes primary diagnosis and daily operation, which can both be managed through online platform.
Meanwhile, onsite clinic can conduct health intervention based on our group health data analysis result as it should be.